About Me

** Update  ** 

I am currently beginning my Junior Year of High School at Nazareth Area High School. Unfortunately, I have not started to "break ground" on the project yet, as I am awaiting the help of an excavator to do the bulk of the site prep. I am already very busy with school with taking AP Calculus, AP Physics,  AP Language, and Engineering. I am also taking on the role of Senior Patrol Leader in BSA Troop 76, which is the equivalent of a youth leader for our entire troop. I will continue to work toward earning my Third Degree Black Belt in December of 2025. Although I am busy and have a lot of varied interests pulling me in different directions, I am committed to this project and want to stick to my timeline of completing it by the end of 2024. I realize that it is an aggressive goal, but it is still very possible.  With the support of the community, I have already exceeded my initial fundraising goals in less than four months!     Sept 2024

I am currently 16 years old and I am working toward my Eagle Scout Rank. I have been in scouting since I was Tiger Cub Scout in the first grade and since the very beginning, I wanted to complete my scout journey with earning my Eagle Scout Rank. It is important to me to complete this goal, but it is also important for me to complete an impactful, personally meaningful project. 

I personally received services through Colonial IU 20 Early Intervention Program and really benefited from their program. After being mostly non-verbal through age four, I was able to really excel with the help that I received and transitioned to a typical Kindergarten classroom. I continued to grow and learn and eventually be tested into the gifted program in elementary school. I am currently a student at Nazareth Area High School in AP and Honors Classes, so I feel strongly that I need to give back to the program that gave me the skills and tools necessary to be my best version of myself. I have been very fortunate to have caring educators who have made my learning a priority and it all began with the early learning instruction that I received all those years ago. As a result, I get to have live a pretty typical teenage existence with learning to drive, playing drums in the high school band, training in martial arts for over a decade, working at Action Karate, and looking forward to all of the things kids my age look forward to as summer approaches. This summer will be spent doing a lot of fundraising for my project and getting started on as much of the project as possible before the next school year begins.  May 2024