
WHERE have the funds come from?

In the order the funds were received:

GoFundMe Donations:


I have been fortunate enough to have the support of a local non-profit Every Ribbon Counts and Dryland UCC to host a Bingo Fundraiser to help with reaching my fundraising goals. 

I have some really great prize baskets lined up:

Home Depot in Easton provided a $50 Gift Certificate for my "Community Improvement" Project. I was super grateful because even with their $50 funds, the blue paint alone for the train feature was over $200. 

Who knew paint could be so expensive! 


Completed a successful clothing drive on 6/29/24 that raised $675 toward my Eagle Scout Project - I just keep going with trying to raise the necessary funds. I am thankful to all who made this a success!!


 I have an upcoming clothing drive fundraiser hosted at Dryland UCC, but if you are unable to make this date, please reach out to make other arrangements - email:

Donations can also be dropped at the Eagle Scout Candidate's porch.


$100 Shopping Spree 

The home depot on Linden Street in Bethlehem let me pick up $100 worth materials for my Eagle Scout Project. I got paint to help make my train feature, as well as bricks and pavers to use in the sensory walkways! Every little bit helps a ton. This really is turning out to be the community project that I had envisioned!


Business Sponsorships

I am looking for corporate or local business sponsorships in the $500 - $1,000 range. There will be a sponsorship plaque recognizing all companies who helped fund the project. If you are a small business or corporate sponsor that wants to provide a tax deductible donation and receive recognition, please email me directly so I may provide details on how to do so.  



I have the first corporate sponsor, secured by Dr. Wolfel of Colonial IU20. I am thrilled to report that they have sponsored a generous $500 toward this project!!! 

And another CORPORATE SPONSORship!!

....and another Corporate Sponsorship has given a very generous $500 toward the completion of this project!!!


Goldfish Swim School and Lightbridge Academy are located across the street from the project site on Linden Street. Goldfish Swim School provided a generous $250 sponsorship.

Sponsors make it possible

The corporate sponsorships and grants are what have made reaching my financial goals possible!! I am grateful for the generous $250 donation from Lightbridge Acedemy. 

Know of a Fundraiser?

Do you know of a local fundraiser or know of any fundraising opportunities, please reach out and let me know. Email:

Please feel free to reach out with any fundraising ideas. I am open any ideas. Let me know if you or your organization has had success with a particular fundraiser. Thank you in advance!